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The Toyota Way in IT by Pierre Masai, VP & CIO Toyota Motor Europe
Interview with Pierre Masai, VP IS and CIO of Toyota Motor Europe
The quest of one-piece flow in IT by Pierre Masai, Toyota Motor Europe
Hoshin for IT and IT for Hoshin, Pierre Masai, CIO Toyota
ITU INTERVIEWS: Pierre Masai, CIO, Toyota Motor Europe
Lean Summit 2013 Pierre Masai What is different about IT at Toyota
TU-Automotive Europe 2015 - Pierre Masai, CIO, Toyota
The Toyota Way, IS delivering value to the business by Hakan Borglund, CIO of Toyota MHE
BestPractice Day 2017 - Interview Pierre Masai | CIO | Toyota Motor Europe
Lean IT - The 'Toyota's Secret' - Yves Callens
Dr. Liker The Toyota Way Course Description
Toyota Way–‘The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way’